
What is heartburn

Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. It is a painful condition involving the upper digestive system, not the heart itself. Because the pain often radiates from the central chest region, some sufferers confuse the symptoms of heartburn just like a Heart Attack Heartburn is actually the result of stomach acids reacting strongly to certain foods during digestion. A small amount of stomach acid is forced up the unprotected esophagus and the resultant chemical burn causes moderate to severe pain.
If you have heartburn once a month, it's considered mild. If you have heartburn once a week, it's moderate. It's when your heartburn occurs daily that it's considered to be severe.
About 20% of all adults will have heartburn at least once a month. They can manage these uncomfortable episodes with a change in diet, over-the-counter antacids and weight lose. Even those who suffer from moderate heartburn can often find relief with these remedies. But for five to fifteen percent of adults, their heartburn is severe. For them, the above-mentioned remedies give only partial or temporary relief.

