
Acid Reflux Remedies - Put That Medication Down and Try Something Else

When you look at acid reflux remedies, are the first things that you think of over the counter remedies from pharmacies or prescription medication given by your physician?

If this is the case, it may be time that you put these back in the medicine cupboard and started looking further afield for more natural remedies that have less in the way of side effects and more in the way of a natural approach to avoiding the painful symptoms associated with acid reflux. There are a number of reasons as to why it might be worth you taking a look and more natural acid reflux remedies:

• Medicated treatments are only designed to be used for a short time frame and are not generally advised over a longer period of time.

• A patient with acid reflux symptoms may rely on the medicated treatments and become dependent on them to avoid the symptoms and get on with normal life instead of focusing on lifestyle changes that could eliminate the symptoms on a long term scale.

• Some over the counter acid reflux remedies are expensive and buying them over longer of periods of time can lead to a lot of money spent.

• Prescription medicines and over the counter treatments do not stop the acid reflux condition, they just lessen the symptoms and make life more bearable. After bearing these ideas in mind, do you not think that it might be worth looking at more natural acid reflux remedies to better your life and lessen your symptoms?

There are plenty of ways in which you can incorporate natural acid reflux remedies in to your lifestyle and diet. First of all, finding the things that work is a necessity in order to make them work. Among the favourites that sufferers of acid reflux swear by, you will find the following items rather handy:

• Apple cider vinegar • Apple juice or apples • Aloe Vera • Ginger • Peppermint

You may have notice that there are a couple of acidic things on the list such as apples, which most guides will tell you to avoid when suffering from acid reflux. However, it can help to kick start the digestive process and although it can make the acid reflux symptoms worse for a short period of time, over the long term it can help to speed up digestion and therefore avoid the symptoms lasting longer and with more painful symptoms.

There are many old wives tales on the internet that you can try, some of which have been said to work and some of which have been ridiculed as ridiculous. At the end of the day, you can only try them to see if they work with you and see where it goes from there.

3 条评论:

  1. Hi,

    If you can get over the taste of apple cider vinegar, you will find it one of the most important heartburn remedy in healing the body. As a wonderful side effect of drinking apple cider vinegar every day, we've discovered that it brings a healthy, rosy glow to one's complexion!

  2. Nice post. Heartburn is the result of the oesophageal sphincter muscle not functioning correctly to prevent acid from shooting upwards into the oesophagus.

    Diet plays an important role for any given disease. Those suffering from acid reflux should refrain from spicy food. They should be adopting a more bland diet, and consume food that are easily digested.

    A good way to rid oneself from heartburn would be to drink potato juice every morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Potatoes are well known for its anti-inflammatory property, which can even help treat internal stomach ulcers: http://www.holisticlivingannex.com/2012/03/treat-stomach-acidity-with-potato-juice.html

    Many have found that their pain disappeared after that 10-days period.

  3. Home remedies for heartburn: http://www.expertosalud.com/ir/acidez

    Heartburn no more in spanish
