
Which one is the best way to cure heartburn

There are several ways to cure heartburn, including natural remedies, OTC medicines and prescription drugs. The challenge is to find which way is the best for you.
Some of us have heartburn is just because that excess stomach acid is recovered from the stomach into our esophagus. The esophagus is irritated by the acid, so the pain can be manifest as pain in the chest. (Acid Burn effects are often confused with heart attacks, but fortunately they are not!) Before you start the medication of heartburn, it is better for you to find the actual cause of heartburn.
One important reason is food. Check what you eat to identify foods that may cause heartburn. The nature of the foods that cause acid burn usually fried, spicy and citrus in nature. Maybe changing food is the easiest way to cure heartburn.
If you decide to have medicine,make sure what type your heartburn medications are and understand each type's side effects
1. Antacid: As the name suggests, are "anti-acid, and their task is to neutralize stomach acid that causing the problem. There are brands such as Tums Antacid. If you feel that you are taking a large number of them, so it's probably a sign of a serious problem. So, take sparingly and keep a note of the frequency of your use of them.
2. proton pump inhibitors (PPI) Proton pump inhibitors reduce the production of acid in your stomach. This is achieved by "preventing" the enzyme in the stomach that produces acid from doing its work. Consequently, less acid and less gastric acid, examples of PPIs include Prevacid. PPIs are generally well received, but side effects such as headache,diarrhea, constipation may also exist.
3. H2 blockers. An H2-blocker is to block the production of acid, reducing the volume in the stomach. There are several over-the-counter H2 blockers like Zantac . These doses are lower than the standard versions that are used to help Gerd (Gastroesophageal reflux) ..
4. Heartburn is often associated with too much acid, but in fact the opposite may occur that lead heartburn too. When we eat food, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid (HCL). One of it's goals is to help digestion. However if there is not enough HCL products then food fermenting, putrefying in the stomach and the mix can lead to heartburn. HCL acid burning supplements can help resolve this problem. What should be clear from the foregoing is that the concept of heartburn can be very complex and what is said is worth repeating. Therefore talk with your doctor before a taking a treatment of heartburn. In that way, all options will be presented to you and you can choose a method that will fit you to cure your heartburn.

